The best ways to save money in college.

ways to save money in college

In college, you have a hectic schedule that makes it a challenge to earn an affordable income. We have all been there, you want to go somewhere or buy something for your room but you have to wait for your next paycheck.

7 Insanely Easy Ways To Save Money In College

1. Thrifting

Thrifting can save you SOOO much.

Thrift stores offer second-hand clothes, supplies, and even electronics. I have numerous outfits in my closet that cost me a total of $10 FOR A WHOLE OUTFIT! There are also apps that are made for thrifting. These are my favorite second-hand apps to shop on: Poshmark and Depop.

2. Student Discount

Student discounts are a life saver! Many places give student discounts, especially online stores and near campus.

These are great ways to save money on stuff you are already buying. For instance, Dicks Sporting goods offer student discounts and most ice cream places offer them to.

The typical discount is either 10% to 20% but very unlikely to be more unless it’s for a streaming platform. Below is a list of some companies that offer student discounts:

  • 15% off at Target

  • 10% off at Apple

  • $100 off MacBook Pro

  • 15% off at Levi’s

  • 10% off at Pacsun

3. Buy textbooks secondhand

Textbooks are SO EXPENSIVE if you buy them where the college tells you to buy them.

The first places you need to look for the textbooks you need is FaceBook Marketplace and join your college’s FaceBook groups. These pages will have textbooks for half the price that older years are passing down.

If you would rather not buy a textbook, I recommend you ask your professor if you could use a PDF version of the textbook instead, then you can often find them for cheaper, as well.

4. Live a minimalist lifestyle

Stick to a budget.

Only buy your needs.

I’m sure you hear people saying those to you or to people around you that want you to save money but it’s very hard if you are living an “above your means” lifestyle. You can find different ways to make nutritious food with the stuff in your pantry instead of going to the store to buy one ingredient you need. Or try to find cheaper entertainment in your area.

Attached below is a money-saving tool if you prefer to see the money in front of you and want to plan your spending.

5. Cook for Yourself

Gas prices are increasing and so is the cost of food. Hell, even a meal at McDonald’s is up to $9 now. Making food at home is one of the best ways to save money in College. If you plan on cooking for yourself, focus on the portion sizes to save money. Shopping can be even cheaper if you buy in bulk (in most places) and meal prep for your whole week! I recommend you look into the meal prep container listed below. It is super cheap and reusable!

6. Stay away from high-interest rates

Stay away from credit cards, especially in this economy. The interest rates are sky rocketing and it could cost you a lot of money. Money that you can use for paying back for college.

Instead, buy what you can when you can.

7. Don’t make impulse purchases

We are all saving for different things. It is time to stop impulse purchases and instead use budgeting tools to decide if you can afford it or even want to buy it. This is by far the least favorite one but think about what you are saving for! Maybe for college or to move out of your parent’s house.