This post is all about my experience using Tailwind for my blog.

My Experience Using Tailwind…

To be completely transparent with you, I bought Tailwind back in January and absolutely hated it. I canceled my membership in 2 days and honestly felt like I was being lied to. BUT, I bought it again and finally understood what the other bloggers were talking about.

Tailwind has been an essential tool in growing my blog.

I was using Pinterest scheduler before but I was only able to schedule 100 pins at any given time whereas, with Tailwind I can schedule as many as I want. Tailwind offers you to schedule some free pins so you can see what its like. You can find that here.

Being able to schedule more than 100 pins has helped me stop looking at Pinterest for hours and instead focus on actually writing blog posts like this one.

Now let’s get into the good and the bad.

The good…

  • You can post thousands of pins and forget about them. I have never had a problem with pins not being scheduled.
  • It has time recommendations for your post so you know they are getting scheduled at optimal times.
  • Tailwind specializes in Pinterest and blogs. I loved this because I knew if there were any issues, they would fix them right away.
  • Honestly, the price was very reasonable to me. I have even upgraded my plan and feel great about it lol.
  • You can see your views from the pins and board all from the Tailwind dashboard.
  • You can schedule pins for months, even years, down the road.

The bad…

  • You are not able to add any alt text to your pins. (I haven’t seen a decrease in my views tho!)
  • It does cost money. In the beginning, I only spent money on things that would give me a return on my investment. If you are the same, you can find the prices here.
  • You can only schedule 10 pins at a time. I love to schedule a majority of my pins at one time so this is definitely a negative for me.

As you can tell, I love Tailwind and will continue to use it for my blog.

[NOTE]: I will continue to update this post when Tailwind updates or any changes occur.

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