You found a place you are interested in and want to sign the lease. That is great and exciting but don’t let your inexperience or lack of knowledge keep you in a place that actually stinks. Read our guide on “What to ask before signing a lease for your first apartment” below.

I still remember signing the lease for my first apartment. I called my dad hoping he could explain to me everything I was reading in the contract and frankly I was frustrated. However, I am so glad he did because it let me see how serious it is. But going through it, taught me the little things that you and I need to ask and be aware of before singing any lease.
Listed below are questions you need to ask your landlord or apartment owner before signing that lease.
RELATED:ย First Apartment Checklist: *ACTUAL* List For Your Move-In Day.
9+ Questions To Ask Before Signing A Lease For Your First Apartment
1. Can I tour the apartment?
This is so important to ask because seeing it in person allows you to see the area and the neighborhood.
The first apartment I ever had, I was shocked at the number of people who do not ask for a tour. The landlord was actually surprised I asked for one. Then at this other place I toured, I saw so much dirt and cobb webs that (no surprise) were not in any of the photos I saw.
Long story short, please tour your apartments.
2. Does this apartment come fully furnished?
Many apartment complexes are different in this regard. I had some landlords say it can be for an extra $50 a month another say absolutely not. So avoid any confusion and just ask!
3. Are animals allowed?
In my first apartment, there was a part of the lease that said “no feeding stray animals or a fine of $50 every time.”
Make sure to ask, or fully read the contract, so you are aware.
4. Where does the trash go? When?
Landlords can hire someone to go around and pick up the trash that is left outside everyone’s door.
Some have you put it in a state trashcan. While others have a dumpster you take it too.
This is important to ask because if trash is not taken out like your expectations, it can get smelly and have ants everywhere.
Related: First Apartment Organization Hacks You Will Love!
5. Is towing enforced or assigned parking spaces?
My friends and I, parked in the wrong spot inside a gated community. We had to pay a $300 fine and it was not fun.
By asking your landlord this, you can have your friends not pay fines or if you plan to have a lot of friends over – do not live there.
6. Can I have large groups of people over?
7. Are my leases separate from my roommates?
You do not want to be stuck paying for a random roommate who doesn’t clean up after themselves or get kicked out before they broke the lease.
Ensuring that you have a separate lease from your roommate, allows each person to be accountable for themselves only.
8. How fast do these apartments go?
In my college town, there are 4 apartment complexes that you want to have.
I went on a tour for one and asked how soon I would need to put my lease in to ensure I got a place. (Keep in mind, this was December and I wanted a place for August.) She told me I have a week to get it signed and even then – good luck.
A WEEK?! So seriously if you want the place, ask!
9. Are the utilities included? How is it split up between roommates?
This question is to figure out if the apartment is in your price range.
Utilities could be included in the rental price but they do not have to be. It is also good to ask how the utilities will be split up between roommates. Some places have them split evenly; while, others are different.
10. how much are you willing to spend on essentials/Decor?
The last question is for you.
If you are wanting to spend a lot of money on decor, then getting a bigger apartment would be better. OR if you are not one for decorations then, maybe get a smaller apartment so the walls do not feel so large.
It is up to you completely but definitely keep it in mind!
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