Trying to think of questions to ask a PNM can be tricky, especially when you have already asked them “Where are you from?” or “What is your major?” As someone who was once a PNM and a sorority member having to go through recruitment, these are the best questions to ask any PNM.

(A picture of my bid night buddy and I above.)
Even if this is your third year going through recruitment it still gets nerve-racking and we are all scared of not having any questions to ask the PNM. However, just remember we want to find the new members that we call sisters. AND the PNM to find their family.
12 Questions To Ask Your PNM During “Philanthropy Round”
- Why did you decide to go to *insert college name*?
- Are you going through recruitment for sisterhood or for a different reason?
- How are you enjoying college so far?
- Did you do anything fun this summer?
- *If you know their hometown* If I went to *your hometown* with you tomorrow, what would you show me? This allows the PNM to talk about what they love while being a specific question.
- What do you do in your free time? Or to relax?
- What’s on your bucket list?
- Have you heard about the events we throw to raise money for *insert philanthropy*? This allows you to talk about what your philanthropy does and sense the energy the PNM gives you.
- Who is your role model? Why?
- What clubs or extracurriculars did you enjoy in high school?
- If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
- What is your #1 song in your playlist right now?
Questions To Ask Your PNM During “Values Round”
- Are you involved in any clubs on campus? Or planning to be?
- What are the top three values you look for in a friend?
- Have you done any philanthropic work?
- What classes are you taking or are excited to take?
- What are you looking for in a sorority?
- How do you set goals for yourself?
- Is there anything you would want us to know about you?
- Do you have any greeks in your family?
Questions To Ask Your PNM During “Pref Round”
- I have loved talking to you these past few days, do you have any questions you want to ask me?
- What is one thing a lot of people misunderstand about you?
- Do you have any qualities you love about yourself?
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- Are you looking for something specific in a sorority?
- What is your most treasured personal item?
- Who/What has influenced your life the most?
- What is your enneagram?
You got this! Come back to this post as many times as you need but most importantly have fun and try to make genuine connections.