We interviewed Jojo Laschinski a current college student and asked her the questions we all want to hear.

For this week’s interview with a college student, we interviewed a student at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Jojo Laschinski currently has two majors: Environmental Science and Communications.
Jojo has a unique college experience because even though she just completed her first year in college, she is actually an academic junior. Due to her having completed college courses at her local community college, she came into college needing to choose a major.
For a college student, the typical time to choose a major is going into their junior year because you have then completed all of your general education courses.
She chose both her majors because she has always been passionate about protecting the environment but was worried about her Environmental Science Degree being too specific. However, she also knew she would enjoy learning and getting a Communications Degree due to her interest in Photo Journalism.

“Explore your environment: people, city, town, everything…” – Jojo Laschinski
For the next part of this interview, we asked Jojo some straight-to-the-point questions you can read below.
Have you switched your major since becoming a college student?
“I went in undecided but had to decide a major pretty fast because I did not have many General Education credits left.”
What is the hardest part of your majors in your opinion?
“I have not taken any communication core classes yet but the intro environmental classes are easy as of right now.”
How many hours do you spend on homework with your major on average a week?
“Maybe 12-15 hours a week.”
Do you have a job or did in college?
“No, but I work in the summer to afford my lifestyle during college.”
What would you tell a college student who is considering your major?
“Go for it. The environment is cool as fuck.”
Looking back at high school, what was your GPA?
“4.6 weighted – 3.9 unweighted.”
Did you take any college classes in high school and did they prepare you well?
“Yes I took many college-level classes in high school and the writing classes especially helped me – like writing papers.”
Do you have more workload in high school or college?
“I had more workload in high school because I took a lot of IB, AP, and college classes, and it caused me to feel overworked. In college, it is very straightforward. I was also harder on myself in high school and worked harder than I really needed to.”
What is the most beneficial part of your Environmental Science major?
“I have become more educated with environmental issues in the world or at least understand them better than before. I also have received a lot of hands-on education with environmental-related issues.”
Have you made any friends in college and if yes, was it difficult?
“Yes, I have made many friends in college. Due to my dorm building being small, everyone spent time in the common areas so it was very easy to get to know people. I also met people at the parties at my college.”
Are you involved in any clubs?
No. Well i joined a couple of environemntal clubs but i didnt participate in them which i regret. I think it was adjusting to my frist year. I was ajusting to making friends, being on my own, keep up with classes. I plan on volunteering for the green house, Plastic Ocean Project, and another environemntla club.
Have you met anyone in your major?
my best friend is an environmental major, met her in the study room in the dorm by introducing each other. Went to beach w each other one day and became besties every sense.
What is your favorite part about college?
being on my own schedule, being responsible for myself
What is your least favorite part of college?
moeny, supporting myself financially, have to use my money wisely
Anything you would tell college students considering your major?
I feel like i am a bad person to ask because i already came into college with a lot of gen ed classes completed and i do not feel like i know enough yet to make the decision. However, with my passion for the environment, i do believe everyone who is in the major should share that passion.
What do you think is different now that you are going into your second year?
More motivated now that i feel like i have a path. I am excited about my major and my future with that career.