The Best Guide On The Internet On How To Manage Your Time In College.

In my first semester of College, I felt like I had no time to study enough for my classes with everything I was doing. In my first year, I joined a sorority, worked 15 hours a week, enrolled in 15 credits, drove back home, and so much more.
On the other hand, I was worried about making friends, my family, my career choice, and how I was going to make enough money to afford the life I wanted.
Long story short, I had to find a way to not only give myself more time to study but how to manage my time. By managing my time efficiently, my grades raised a whole letter grade and I was able to do more with my friends.
A few key points before we begin – these only work if you want them to work. You cannot go on Tiktoks in the time you are to study. Know your weaknesses and reduce distractions.

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How To Manage Your Time In College To Work Efficiently
1. Schedule Your Time Right
If you are constantly feeling like there is not enough time in the day, get a planner or use google calendar. You will be able to figure out what is taking up the most time in your day and put time blocks in your schedule to study. This way you won’t overschedule yourself.
A lot of people say yes to many things when you end up not having any time to study. This would help you already have those designated study times in place.
2. Find Out What You Do Not Want To Do
The biggest mistake is spending time on stuff you don’t want to do that does not even benefit you. For instance, do not spend hours seeing your friends if you do not even want to be there.
Managing your time in college is all about having a balance between doing what you need to do and doing things that make you happy to avoid burning out. By my second term, I knew exactly what I did not enjoy doing and would limit my time doing those things.
By doing that, I ended up freeing up time to go out on Friday night or spend extra time on Youtube.
3. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Saying you want to work on time management is easy but it is hard to turn it into a habit. Knowing your weakness and strengths can make that part easier. In school, we are given a lot of assignments to do with a wide variety of classes.
Are you good at math or need to study more hours in science? As long as you know that, you are able to efficiently work on time management. Put time aside for classes you need extra work on and less time aside for classes you don’t need time for. This will help free up a lot of pointless study time when you do not need it.
4. Utilize Your Class Time
You are in class either 50 minutes three times a week or 75 minutes two days a week. Use that time wisely. Are you copying down notes to then turn into flashcards? Write the flashcards as you are in class.
Pro tip – if you use google docs, you can have the microphone on the computer write down what it hears. Go to tools then click on “voice typing.”
Meaning, that instead of trying to write down everything your professor says, have google docs work for you.

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5. Be Aware Of Your Screen Time
I used to spend hours on my phone either endlessly scrolling through Tiktok or playing a silly game cause I was bored. Until I realized I was on my phone for hours every day.
Those hours you can spend doing homework or going out with friends.
6. Study At The Right Time
Figure out when you are the most energetic. I am not a morning person, so I study better and am more focused at night. This means it is better if I study at night. When you figure out what time that is for you, it will help you study more efficiently because you will stop wasting time.
7. Identify The Assignments Worth
Most of the time, the professors will have a detailed syllabus with assignments and how much those assignments are worth. If you have a job in college as I do, then you might have to skip an assignment or two. However, you need to make sure those are the lower-weighted assignments. For instance, make sure you spend more time on a project worth 25% of your grade and a max of an hour on an assignment worth 5% of your grade. In an ideal world, you will have the exact amount of time to do everything but you don’t. Pick and choose what you can do.