Are you with your friends right now trying to find some easy drinking games to make the night fun? Or maybe you are trying to prepare for a girl’s night. Either way, I have you covered.

Easy Drinking Games For Students & Friends
1. Twisted Jenga.
This drinking game is one of my favorite games to play. All you need is a set of wooden Jenga set from your local Target or Amazon.
You take each wooden piece and write a ‘dare’ or ‘task’ each person has to do. The picture above is a perfect reference photo to use when you make yours! This game is a perfect way to get everyone involved and make it fun.
I recommend having the person who knocks it over – pick 3 random tiles and do them.
2. Kings.

Kings is a game that requires a stack of cards and a beer or seltzer can. You will start off by putting the can in the center of the table and putting the cards face down around that can. Each person will go around in turns and pick a random card. Each card is assigned rules you can read below. After that rule is done, the person will put the card under the tab of the can. The first person to ‘pop’ or open the can – has to chug the full can.
- Ace: Waterfall – Every player begins drinking, and no one can stop until the player before them does.
- 2: You – Whoever drew the card assigns a drink.
- 3: Me – Whoever drew the card drinks.
- 4: Floor – Everyone races to touch the floor, and the last person to do so drinks.
- 5: Guys – All guys drink.
- 6: Chicks – All girls drink.
- 7: Heaven – All players point towards the sky, and the last player to do so drinks.
- 8: Mate – Pick a person to drink with.
- 9: Rhyme – Say a phrase, and everyone else must say phrases that rhyme.
- 10: Categories – Pick a category, and say something from that category (i.e. if “drinking games” was the category, “kings” would be a viable answer.
- Jack: Never have I ever – Each player puts up 3 fingers, then starting with the person who drew the card, each player says “never have I ever *something*”. If you’ve done it, you put a finger down, until someone loses.
- Queen: Questions – The person who drew the card asks a random person a question, and they then turn and ask a random person a question, until someone loses by either failing to ask a question or by responding to the person who just asked them a question.
- King: Ruler – Make a rule that everyone must follow until the next King is drawn (i.e. force everyone to drink after each turn).
You can find an extended list of instructions here.
3. The “Word.”
This drinking game requires absolutely nothing and cost you zero. One person picks a word that the group cannot say through the night. If someone says it, they take a shot and then pick the new “word.” This is by far the best game to play when you are out at a party or do not want to deal with the mess of another drinking game.
4. Dice Roll.
Another SUPER easy drinking game. Everyone takes turns rolling a dice and you assign rules to each number. I have left an example of the rules below.
Rules of the game:
1 – The person to the left drinks.
2 – The person to your right drinks.
3- You drink.
4- You give someone a drink.
5 – Everyone drinks.
6 – You drink twice.
5. Checkered shot.
Start off by finding a checkered table or tape to make a checkered area. All four people will be flipping cups at the same time. You have to have the cup halfway off the table and it has to fully land on the wider circle of the cup (or opening) in order to move the shot glass. When someone flips the cup over – you move the shot forward. Once the shot goes off the checked board – the person on that side has to down it.
6. Stack cup.

This drinking game is perfect for a large group of people.
How to set up:
- Pour a little bit (depending on the group) of everyone’s drink into one cup.
- Set that cup on the table – this will be the “losers cup.”
- Give two solo cups to two people opposite each other.
- Put about 10 (this can vary) cups in the middle with your choice of drink.
- Have two ping pong balls.
Now that you have set it up, it is time to teach you the game.
The cups will start off with two people on opposite sides. As soon as the person gets the ball into the cup, it will be moved to the person to the right. However, if you make it on the first try, you can pass your cup to anyone playing but the person with the other cup. Once one cup catches up with the other, you are going to stack (aka the name of the game) that cup with the second.
Now when do the cups in the middle come into play? Right now. The person who got stacked will move the stacked cups to their right and take a cup from the center. This person will have to drink what is in that cup and still get the ball into the cup. This happens as many times as needed until you get down to the last cup. When all the cups are stacked, the person that originally had to take a drink from the middle now has to drink the “losers cup.”
7. ‘Never Have I Ever?’
Yes, that game you played in high school has returned for an iconic drinking game. Everyone holds up 5 fingers and goes around the room saying, “Never have I ever..” That person will need to finish that sentence with something they have never done. If anyone has done it, that person will drink and put down a finger.
This continues until someone has all their fingers down.
8. Text or Drink.
I knew I had to mention this drinking game once it became famous on Tiktok. Each person randomly picks a card, in turns, and does what that card says. You either have to send the text or take a drink. As you can probably guess – it can be very fun.
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