All of the best questions to ask during sorority recruitment.

Yay! You decided to follow through with sorority recruitment. That is exciting and if you are looking for information to prepare for it, you came to the right place. As someone who was a PNM and now a sister (a picture of me above), I completely understand.
Pro Tip when answering questions it is important to respond to the full question in a discussion form. Avoid a “yes” or “no” answer. This will help make the conversation feel open and not awkward.
During sorority recruitment, you will have different rounds depending on what university you attend. Someone should have been told which rounds you are attending. Listed below are questions to ask depending on the round during sorority recruitment.
Questions To Ask During Sorority Recruitment
Open House/House Tours
During sorority recruitment, you will get a chance to visit each sorority house. For mine, it was not required but I actually met a chapters president when I went. So I recommend you going!
The open house is when you and your assigned group, walk through each house, like the rooms, office, and living room. When you are at a house tour, you keep the questions to the house or talk about what you love about the house. This round is not an interview for the sisters. Pro tip – compliment the rooms. Those are a sisters room that they paid to decorate.
Bonus points if you see something you like, ask where the sister bought it.
Questions To Ask During This Round
How long have you lived in the house?
Are rooms assigned or random?
Do all the rooms have their own bathroom?
Philanthropy round
The philanthropy round is where you learn about each charity the chapter supports. A chapter is another word for a sorority. It is also important to note that if you are at a big university, most of these rounds will be separate days. In this round you will talk with a sister like normal but halfway through each sorority will show a video of their charity. In this video, the philanthropy will show the events where the sisters raised money and how much they have raised.
Most of the time, this will be the first round. You want to ask surface-level questions about the sorority in general – not personal yet.
Questions To Ask During This Round
What events does this sorority do to raise money?
Does your sorority have to complete a certain amount of community service?
Was the philanthropy the reason you joined this sorority?
What was your favorite event that your chapter threw?
Is the philanthropy round your favorite?
Sisterhood round
My favorite round by far. This is the round you make a personal connection and ask the questions to actually know the sister. The sorority will also want to know more about you. Be prepared to answer all of these questions yourself.
Think about what you want in a sister and pick the questions that align with that. Sorority recruitment is about finding your forever home, not your friend. BUT avoid the Big 3’s: booze, boys. and bucks.
Questions To Ask During This Round
What is your favorite movie/show?
Have you have any advice for a first year?
Do you remember being in my seat? Does it feel weird now?
How does getting a ‘big’ work?
What have you gained from joining a sorority?
Why did you join this sorority?
Has has this sorority supported you as a sister/person/student?
Preference round
In this round, you may only have one or two chapters left. This should be the last round and the most personal. You will get to know the sororities ritual and hear from the whole chapter.
It would also be a good idea to ask the person how they are doing because it is stressful for both parties and sounds like you care about the person.
BIG TIP – if you have other sororities to go to, do not tell the sorority you are at. If they ask be honest, but otherwise don’t bring it up.
Questions To Ask During This Round
How has being in a sorority changed your college experience?
Are there any leadership positions for new members?
How soon would I be able to move into the house?
Do sisters go out to eat together or hang out?
Whats your favorite trait about yourself?
Do you have any siblings?
Whats your favorite memory during sorority recruitment?
Just remember that during sorority recruitment, it can be stressful but everyone wants you to succeed and end up in a place you will love.
Enjoy rushing!