A guide full of dating in college mistakes I wish someone told me.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the dating scene in college so hopefully, this can help you avoid them. Dating in College is hectic at best. You hear horror stories from all of your friends and with the number of people you will meet – there will be creeps.
10 Dating In College Mistakes I Wish I Was Told Before My 20s
1. It is okay to not date in college.
I wanted to add this one first because sometimes you need a reminder. You do not have to date in college. Move at your own pace and do what you are comfortable with. I used to put so much pressure on myself to have a boyfriend when really no one cares and I needed to be happy with myself first.
2. Do not underestimate the “nice” college guy.
The amount of times I ended things with a guy because he was too nice – I will admit is a lot.
I would end up ending things for the nice guy for someone a little hotter who didn’t treat me as well. What I ended up realizing was how much nicer my life was. I was no longer stressing about where he was or the way I should respond to his text.
However, be careful of the guys who are only nice to get into your pants. These guys feel like you owe them sex if they are nice to you and that is 100% not true.
3. Never act like GF before you have the label.
The number of friends I have that cooked for their “situations” or met his parents is honestly too high. While I understand each relationship is unique and different – you are not dating him/her. If you are doing everything a girlfriend would do, why the hell would he make it official?
Time for some hard truths: He would not let the girl of his dreams be single nor would he try anything with you on the first date. If he does either of those two things, he may like you but he does not see a future with you.
4. Friends > Relationship.
- Do not date the guy your friend had sex with or dated in the past.
- Always chose your friend over your boyfriend especially, if your friends need you.
- You need to have friends or you will become too dependent on your boyfriend/girlfriend.
5. You should feel comfortable talking to them about your feelings.
If you are ever debating on if you should tell your bf that he is saying something that hurt your feelings or anything like that – talk to him or end it.
You are looking for a partner in life, not someone who you cannot even talk to.
6. Be selfish and upfront.
Men will not go look up your Instagram or deep dive on your mom’s Facebook page to find what you are looking for. They will take your words at face value. If you want a relationship, tell them and do not accept anything else.
7. Never tell guys your body count.
Body count refers to the number of people you have had sex with and let’s be honest – the only one who should be asking what your body count is you. Men will label you as either a fling or a relationship depending on your body count.
The way I see, if a guy asks you questions about your body count do not date him. It is very immature and shows he only cares about what number he will be.
8. Keep some parts of your relationship private.
I am all for keeping the girls in the loop but if it’s something personal that is going on in his life, not both of your lives, keep it private. Do not break his trust because you want to tell your friends more.
9. If you’re confused, he doesn’t like you.
I recently heard this quote on TikTok and it changed my view on relationships. The amount of times I FaceTimed my friends telling them about what this guy said and what it could possibly mean. Now if I’m ever confused, I just start focusing on things that make me happy and reevaluate my priorities.
10. Do not wait on him to make plans with other people.
Do not say no to other potential relationships if he is not ready to be in one with you. Go on a date and worst case scenario, he shows his true colors.
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