Figuring out how to avoid burnout in college is a lot easier than some make it look.

The key is to follow these 7 Tips and stick to them.

Everyone’s schedule in college is different and especially their expectations. Decide what yours are and find ways to use these tips to improve your daily life.

college burnout

By my second term of college, I was working part-time, on the cabinet in my sorority, going out always every night, and still finding time for my homework. As you can assume – I was burnt out. I wanted to lay in bed all day and forget about the world.However, I found simple tips that I could do in my daily life to hopefully avoid burnout in the future.

7 Ways To Avoid College Burnout

1. Focus on ROI

ROI stands for Return On Investment.

You will typically hear this word in board meetings or by a finance guy at the bar. However, the word can be used in multiple situations like college.

You are paying thousands of dollars to attend college – to learn and live the college experience.

Instead of looking at college classes as “I hate this class” or “Why do I need to learn this?” Think of it like you are paying money for this class and are happy to learn.

Also, note how I said to learn and to live the college experience

Going to class can get boring but if you are equally enjoying college it will help get your ROI.

2. Be Conscious of your Time

If you could see my screen time before I became conscious of my time, you would be shocked.

Become aware of your screen time or just when you are doing unproductive things.

However, this does not mean never going out or studying 24/7. This means knowing where your time is going and when you are supposed to be working – stay productive. But when you are not, try not to think of what you need to do.

I spent so much of my time thinking of all of the assignments I needed to do – when I was out with friends or enjoying my time. This is the opposite of what I needed to do. Create boundaries with yourself and your time.

3. Find a Hobby that Brings You Happiness

Hobbies are so important.

These hobbies that will help with college burnout are ones that are not academic-related at all. You essentially need to distract your mind with something you enjoy and not the test coming up. It can increase your serotonin and keep your mind from burning out on class assignments.

4. Find Solitude, not Isolation

When we get burnt out, we tend to want to stay in bed and stop talking to our friends even if it is not on purpose. 

However, this can be very detrimental to your mental health.

Instead of getting to the point of your brain forcing you into isolation. Take steps on working in solitude.

If you feel your energy decreasing around people, take a few days for yourself and be in solitude.

5. Get Enough Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation says, “sleeping less than six hours each night is one of the best predictors of on-the-job burnout.”

Sleeping the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night can often be a second option especially when your assignments are piling up and there is a party that night.

Try to reduce that occurrence and chose sleep. 

6. Change your Mindset

Mindset is something that is getting talked about a lot right now.

The first tool you need is to be aware of what you are saying to yourself. You cannot even try to change your mindset if you do not know your mindset. 

After you are aware of what you are thinking, change it. Examples are below.

  • “This assignment is hard.” Instead think “I am in college. I know these assignments get harder and I will learn how to complete them.”
  • “I cannot find friends.” Ask yourself instead “Where can I go today to make friends?”
  • “I am stupid.” Instead, think “I will understand this soon.”

7. Be Selfish with Your Time 

If you are a person that has a hard time saying “no” this tip is especially for you.

You need to be selfish. Be selfish with your time but also with what you enjoy. 

To give you an example, in my first year of college, I was essentially on call for my parents. If they called – I would come. I even left class early to talk to my mom. Which is great but I did not have the time to talk to them every day. However, I did not want to say no. 

Since then, I have created boundaries with my parents and our relationship is great and my burnout is fixed.

You can do it too. 


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