All of the best borg name ideas for that college frat party below.

Let’s be real—the highlight of borgs is spicing up your personal jug. Practical tip: label it to avoid mix-ups. People get creative, slapping funny puns and drawings on their jugs.
No one saw the rise of borgs (aka “blackout rage gallons”) on college campuses coming, but it’s a relief to ditch the dodgy jungle juices of the past. Borgs let partygoers customize drink flavors and alcohol levels while keeping germs and shady ingredients in check.
Of course, everyone aims for the funniest borg at the party. So, after some internet digging, we’ve rounded up the most clever names for your next borg.
150 Borg Name Ideas For That College Frat Party
1. Astroborg
2. Rattlin Borg
3. CyBorg
4. Supercalifragilisticexbialoborgcus
5. I Woke up in a New Borgatti
6. The Doctor Took My Borgskin
7. Auborga
8. Avenger’s Infinity Borg
9. Borgealis
10. Baby Borg
11. Big Borg
12. Billaborg
13. Bjorn Borg Borgana Le Fey
14. Borgan Wallen
15. Borg and Bougie
16. Borg and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
17. Borganic Chemistry
18. Borganized Crime
19. Captain Borgan
20. Brown vs. The Borg of Education
21. Playborg Carti
22. Jim Borgison
23. J.P. Borgan
24. Luxemborg
25. Ruth Bader
26. Osama Borg Laden
27. Borg hub
28. Kiss Me I’m Borgish
29. Stage Borg Cancer
30. Borg Meets World
31. Borg of the Flies
32. Sharkborg and Lavagirl
33. Waterborging Borgz
34. in the Hood Here comes the Borg
35. What color is your Borgatti
36. Eastern Borgthodox
37. Borgtox Injections
38. The Big Borg Theory Borg F150 Mikhail Borgachev
39. Borg Washington
40. Why do good girls like borg guys
41. Hanniborg Hanniborg Barca Hanniborg Lector Borg of Directors
42. Pablo Escoborg
43. Primanti Borgs Tangy Borgbacue Sauce
44. FC Borgelona
45. NBA Youngborg
46. Borgenstocks
47. Borgse, Idaho US Mexican Borger South of the Borger
48. The Borgton Tea Party
49. Legally Borg
50. Pittsborg Steelers
51. Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s Borg
52. Gettysborg Address
53. Kiss Me I’m Borgish
54. Borga borga LeBorg James
55. Borg Time Rush
56. Whose a Good Borg Certified Lover Borg
57. New Kids on the Borg
58. The Borg who Lived
59. Spongeborg Squarepants
60. What are You Doing Step Borg
61. I Like Big Borgs and I Cannot Lie
62. Brother Borg
63. The Magic Schoolborg
64. Welcome to GoodBorger
65. Brandenborg Gate
66. Borger King
67. Borgage Rate
68. Exec Borg
69. Aborgtion clinic
70. It’s Jason Borg
71. Tim Teborg
72. bed borg and beyond
73. Playborg Carti
74. The good the bad and the borgly
75. Breaking Borg
76. Chairman of the borg
77. Borg President
78. Bring It Home John Borg
79. Every Tall Person needs a tall borg
80. Who’s a good borg
81. Agent Borgange
82. Jenna Borgtega
83. Arnold Borginator
84. Borg in the USA
85. wanted for three counts of armed borglary
86. Borgasaurs and Sluts
87. “The Borg not Taken” – Roborg Frost
88. Pearl harborg
89. A Star is Borg
90. Waterborging
91. Cheeseborger
92. borged out
94. B.O.B. baby on borg
95. borging on a Saturday
96. B.lack O.ut R.eady G.o
97. Rick and Borgy
98. Borger patrol
99. Modern Borgfare
100. Borganized Crime
101. To Kill a Mockingborg
102. Of Mice and Borg
103. Bobs Borgers
104. The BORG Ultimatum
105. Doctors Without Borgers
106. Jason Borg
107. All aBorg
108. I think therefore I borg.
109. Breaking borg.
110. Borger patrol.
111. Borgs R Us.
112. Regina Borg.
113. Pablo Escoborg.
114. Heisenborg.
115. Superborg 57.
116. Plan borg.
117. Borgs to Men.
118. Borgalicious.
119. Hit me borgy one more time.
120. Borgfriend.
121. Da Borg.
122. Home DepBORG.
123. BORGan & BORGan.
124. Borgerous.
125. Tim Teborg.
126. IceBORG Lettuce.
127. The Borgyardigans.
128. Borg-an Thee Stallion
129. The Borg Appetit Test Kitchen
130. Borgs A Liar
131. Anthony Borg-dain
132. Borg…James Borg.
133. Borg-street boys
134. JP Borg-an chase
135. Greta Thun-Borg
136. The Gettys-Borg Address
137. The Great Gats-Borg
138. Borgy Potter and the Goblet of Firewater
139. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Borg
140. The Borgfather
141. Keeping Up with the Borgashians
142. The Borg Crown
143. Borg Mirror
144. The Borg Witch Project
145. The Borg Identity
146. Borgy and the Beast
147. Borg Wars: The Last Mixer
148. The Borg Knight
149. The Silence of the Borgs
150. Borg to the Future
Do you have other clever borg names we didn’t mention? Comment them below.