Everyone has been in the position you are in now. You are moving into a new place with people who you have never met before. It is scary and the best way to be prepared is to know some questions that you have on hand to ask any roommate.

I have been where you are exactly and these are ones I have personally used or will be using in the future.
Icebreakers (or questions) are the perfect way to get to know someone better without seeming intrusive or weird. You can learn so much about a person based on the questions and hopefully, they will ask you them back and you both can form a friendship from it.
The Best Questions On The Internet To Ask Your College Roommate.
- Why did you choose (the college you are attending)?
- Do you have any siblings in college?
- If you decided on a major, what is it and why?
- Did you play any sports in High-school?
- Are you an iPhone or Android person?
- Do you prefer the bar or a fraternity party?
- What is your weirdest habit?
- What is your favorite part about campus so far?
- Aside from graduating, what is your main goal for college?
- Do you still talk to your friends from high school?
- What is your favorite memory you have?
- What is your million-dollar idea?
- What is something you have been dying to ask me?
- If you were a teacher, what would you teach?
- Do you like people who sleep in late?
- What is your favorite Tv series?
- Are you more of a Twilight or Vampire Diaries fan?
- Did you have any stories of a friend who wronged you?
- What talent do you wish you had?
- What is one thing most people would be surprised that you know?
- Do you eat in or go out more?
- Would you prefer a roommate who stayed in or goes out?