It’s that time of the year when I will be talking about my first apartment regrets. I like to live my life with no regret but with my first apartment, things could have definitely gone differently.

Related: First Apartment Checklist: *ACTUAL* List For Your Move-In Day

Free Spring Cleaning Checklist
Spring cleaning for small apartments made easy (and a little fun)! Declutter, deep clean, and refresh your spaceβbecause cleaning sucks, but a clean home is worth it.
What I Regret Buying (Doing) For My First Apartment
1. Not Packing Beforehand
I packed everything the night before and let me tell you, it was a headache.
You are stressed and end up forgetting a lot of things you need. Meaning, you will have to go to your local Target or Walmart and spend more money.
Instead, buy things when deals are going on and pack them immediately.
2. Cable
You seriously do not need to buy Cable for your apartment. It’s expensive and you will just be watching Netflix or Hulu.
I just bought this Roku remote and plugged the USB into the Tv. It cost about $25 and then you’re done.
3. Fancy Silverware
Go cheap (or at least on silverware).
There is no need to spend hundreds on silverware. You will lose half the forks and get the rest dirty. Just buy this cheaper silverware set that is cute but not fancy.
4. Bringing ALL of my clothes
If this is your first apartment, you do not need to bring all of your clothes. Go through them and figure out what clothes you are actually going to wear and donate the rest!
This helped me save SO MUCH room in my closet and allowed me to elevate my style (aka shop more).
5. So much decor.
Buy the essential items first. Then, buy the decorations.
You are moving into a place, you have seen maybe once or twice. By moving all your stuff in first, you can see what walls are empty or what decorations will actually fit the home.
6. A Bunch Of Different Hangers
This is a first-world problem but different types of hangers in one closet pisses me off.
Seriously, just buy one type of hanger and stick to it. This will make your closet feel more organized and put together.
7. Thousands of Blankets
Okay, maybe it wasn’t a thousand but still. You do not need a lot of blankets for your apartment.
Just buy two for each person staying in the apartment and you will have enough.
What I Do Not Regret Buying For My First Apartment
1. Mattress Pad

If you read my recent post on first apartment essentials, you will know that I highly recommend this mattress pad.
I decided to buy a cheap mattress ( IK bad mistake) but instead of spending thousands on a new one, this pad made it perfect to sleep on and super comfy.
2. Fancy Ice-Maker

One of my favorite gifts I have ever received! Literally use it all the time.
You can hook it up to your water line or manually fill it up!
3. Pots + Pans Set

I LOVE pots and pan sets. It is much cheaper to buy a set than each individual item.
This pot and pans set is Amazon’s number 1 seller with over 45,000 reviews. It comes with 16 items and is perfect for your first apartment!
4. Bedpost

I didn’t want to spend thousands on a bed frame so I found a cheap one on Amazon.
This one is about $200 with over 800 5-star reviews!
Read our recent post on the best apartment organization hacks!