A list of actual college school supplies every student should have.

Over the Summer, going into my first year of college, I asked all of my older friends about the essentials I needed in my backpack. I knew that school was very different than High School – so I would need other supplies right?
College School Supplies That I Ended Up Using & You Should Have
1. Backpack.
The first thing you need is a Backpack. I used this backpack from Amazon. If you want a good quality material that you can use for your whole college experience, I highly recommend this one.
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2. Hygiene products.
Hygiene products are a MUST. Having a tampon or pad in my bag has not only saved many of my jeans but those of my friends. Bonus points, if you also carry a spare Deoratant in your bag.
3. Notebook and pencils.
This is the same as High School but you do not need as much. Most of your classes will be online and will really only need paper in your Math classes. However, it is always good to keep some paper in case of emergencies.
4. Computer and charger.
Your computer will be used in every class.
I cannot stress this enough, have a good computer and always keep your charger in your bag.
5. Always have a Hydroflask.
Staying hydrated is very important, especially if it is hot on your campus. You will have to walk at least half a mile to get to your classes, and the water the school sells is way too expensive.
My friends and I, all use this Hydroflask – it keeps your water cold for hours!
6. Airpods or noise-canceling headphones.
I will always recommend AirPods to any college student. You use them walking to class, in the gym, and in numerous other activities. I even use them when I’m eating alone.
If you do not want to buy AirPods, then I recommend these noise-canceling headphones. They are perfect when studying in the library and everyone around you is loud.
Other College Backpack Essentials That You Do Not Need BUT Help Me Succeed.
7. Planner.
Having a planner helped me work on my organizational skills. I could see exactly what assignments I needed to do and plan time for clubs and other activities. If you have a problem with organization, I highly recommend this planner.
8. Cardholder.
Until Colleges move fully online, you will need to have your student Id on you at all times. Many teachers require for you to show them it if you are taking exams.
9. Calculator.
A Ti-84 Calculator is a requirement if you are taking any higher-level Math classes. I always have mine in my bookbag in case I want to go to the library and work on homework or do a quick equation.
10. Sticky notes or something quick to write on.
Having something to write on quickly has saved my grades numerous times. I like to use the Planner and Sticky notes interchangeably. When I do not have time to get out my planner, I use a sticky note.
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