In college, I was constantly told the only study tip I should know are to make flashcards and/or read the textbook. Those may work great for someone else but, I have the attention span of cricket and do not have time to make flashcards. These tips listed below actually helped me and hopefully can help you.

6 Effective Study Tips That Helped Me
1. Complete the Practice Tests.
This is a tip I actually learned when I was going to take a final exam. My professor sent out an email to our class stating how all the previous final exams are on the school’s website. Not only is this a great tip, but a wonderful resource to know.
Go to your college’s website and search for your class and the final. An example is below.
“Math 1242 final exam.”
2. Studying in Multiple Places.
You would be surprised how boring one place can get when you go there over and over again. Now, I am not talking about the library as long as you are in the mindset to do your homework. However, if you are someone who likes to study in their room, bed, or the same place in the dining room. I was too but it does not last long.
By studying in different places, you do not get bored as easily and you can find different motivators that you normally would not.

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3. Set Aside Time To Study.
I used to not be able to manage my time (more like I was too addicted to TikTok to want to). BUT if you want to actually work on your studying methods this is important. By setting aside time to study, you are less stressed and feel a sort of accomplishment from managing your time.
This is also great because you have a “deadline” to finish your assignments.
4. Explain Your Answers
Anyone can copy what they hear from the teacher but can you explain what they mean? For instance, you know that Water is free, but why is water free? Instead of trying to memorize keywords with sentences, understand why that is the correct answer.
I love this study method because I actually understand it for months after the class.
5. Stay Organized
If you do not have a planner, I have attached one below that I love from Amazon. However, if you prefer for it to be digital, google calendar is linked here.
Getting a planner was the first successful step I made in improving my grades. I used to miss assignments because I was busy and forgot what assignments I had. By having a planner, I was able to schedule my time around my class work.
Not only is it a great organizational tool but a must-have.
6. Respect your distractions.
In college, or school in general, distractions are unavoidable.
Do not give them credit. Do not let them get in the way of you doing your school work. Put earbuds in or go to a different room. I used to hate when people were talking around me when I was trying to study but the truth is I gave them that energy to distract me.
You are letting them make you mad and unfocused.